At JKP, we believe that “Knowledge is the Gateway to Success” so, we have fully A.C Library stocked with latest books, journals, Magazines , National and International Periodicals & E-Journals. It has been designed to create an ambience that inspires students to learn. Book Bank facility is also provided to the student.
Knowledge is free at the library just bring your own container.
The Mission of the JKP Library is to facilitate the creation of new knowledge through the acquisition, rganization and dissemination of information resources and providing for value added services.
- Fully A.C Library.
- Single point Source of information.
- Over 17435+ books.
- 1780+ Titles in college.
- 15 Subscribed Newspapers.
- 11 Subscribed International Magazines.
- 11 Subscribed National Magazine.
- Comfortable and well-illuminated hall.