Jaswant Keshav Puri Politechnic (JKP) is Situated in a lush green environment at a distance of 7 km.from Sonepat covering an area of 6.5 acres of land of sonepat-Gohana Highway.it is an initiative taken by a team of philanthropists and engineers who wanted to do their bit in the field of technical education, Diploma engineers equipped with latest skills are scarce.it is the need of hours to provide such diversely skilled engineers to industry.it is a center of excellence where academics and need of industry is blended to impart skill-based professional education to make the students confident and capable. We believe that the institute has to keep pace with the ever changing industrial scenario.For this,apart from prescribed syllabi latest training’s and courses are also provided.
Our Central Philosophy
To Cater for industry demands we give our students skills is latest technology.For this we have tied up with industry for curriculum design,development and up to some extent implementation also. Industry is keen to help us make such diploma engineering that they need.

Rapid Growth is industry will create a demand for those only diploma engineers who are well trained and skilled in emerging technologies.There is going to be a hug gap between demand for such diversely skilled technicians and their availability.
To enhance the employability prospects of our students by making them skilled in latest technologies with the help of special training’s and to help them him realizing their entrepreneurship dreams.